Wedding Ceremony in Kolkata, India

This past week I travelled to India to be with Diya, who has been here for the past month, and to celebrate our marriage with her side of the family with an Indian wedding!
I landed on the 8th, and have surprisingly few photos to show for all my days here, but Kolkata is a beautiful and busy place. In many ways it doesn't feel all that different from living in the states, except that the differing vegetation makes if feel more 'jungley.' The gulf between wealth and poverty is also stronger, so the few trips into the city we've made have displayed that a bit more clearly than living in the states.
The food is also different, but has all been amazing. I am thankful that both Diya and her visiting dad have introduced me to Indian food over the years, because this food is delicious and loaded with flavor.

Most of this trip has been spent preparing for our wedding. Of the two of us Diya has had to do the lion's share of the work, but I did get to try on different wedding clothes. We both will be wearing traditional Bengali clothing for our wedding, and I'll have to get some photos uploaded here to share.
Diya's aunt also threw us a bachelor/bachelorette lunch, to celebrate our last meals as unmarried people. (though we were married in February at the Santa Barbara courthouse, we're still observing the traditions. It has been a nice way to bring me into the family.) I don't have a photo of that lunch, of course, but Diya was thrown a similar event earlier by her uncle's husband, and I'll include a photo of that below. Her lunch was thrown in her grandmother's house, which is also the house where she grew up and where her uncle and his wife live now. It is a beautiful home that reminded me of my own grandpa's home in lots of small ways.
I think that is it for now. I'll try my best to add more updates as they come in!