Update on my Grandpa

Diya and I got back a few days ago. Overall the trip to see my uncle Ray, his wife Sue, and obviously my grandpa and his wife Genny was really great. I always like Ray and Sue, but have never been able to see them much, so it was really great to spend some time with them and stay at their house.

It was also great to introduce my girlfriend Diya to many members of my extended family. They all seemed to like her, and she really enjoyed meeting them. It was great to show her all the photos my grandpa had from childhood.

My grandpa was in good health when we headed home, and in subsequent updates he seems to be doing as well as can be expected. He is pretty confused, and has trouble with his memory, but overall is healthy.

Unfortunately, a day or two after we got home, my grandpa's wife Genny suffered a stroke. She is home now, but needs her rest. We're all wishing her a speedy recovery. What terrible luck. Dominic has been really great caring for my grandpa, and now his grandma. I really consider him to be family.

That's all for now. Take care of yourself, and tell your grandparents (and parents!) that you love them.
