Robert (28)


Hawaii Trip with Diya

This past week Diya and I took a quick trip to Maui. I had been to Maui a few times, but it was a first for Diya. We had all sorts of adventures (and misadventures), and I couldn't imagine a better partner for such a…

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Grandpa's Memorial

I went up to the Bay Area this week to go to my grandpa Ray's memorial. He had passed earlier last month, but the Memorial was scheduled for his birthday. He would have been 94 today. There isn't much to say, except that it was…

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Update on my Grandpa

Diya and I got back a few days ago. Overall the trip to see my uncle Ray, his wife Sue, and obviously my grandpa and his wife Genny was really great. I always like Ray and Sue, but have never been able to see them…

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