August Travels, Family Meetings, and Haircuts
Later today I'm getting my haircut. It has been way too long since my last haircut. Usually I try to get a haircut once a month, ideally near the start of each month, but my last haircut was 60 days ago. I don't quite look like a human mop, but I am certainly shaggier than normal.
The reason for the haircut, and why it's so important, is that Diya's dad, Badal, is travelling all the way from India today. He is going to stay with us for a bit, but is also one of the guests of honor for the wedding celebration that my uncle and his wife, Ray and Sue, are throwing for Diya and me in just over one week. In India I was able to meet all of Diya's family, but none of my family could be there. This trip will correct that, and now Diya and her father will be able to meet most of my family, all on my mom's side.
In my view, the other guest of honor is my mom. I haven't seen her since we both took care of my dad until he passed away, and she has gone through some significant life changes this year. But her coming is doubly important because she will finally get to meet my wife's father. The two families will finally get to meet each other face to face, and to speak to one another.
I intend to write more about the trip as we get closer, and ideally as each day goes on, but in the meantime watch this space for the requisite 'before and after' haircut photos.
Edit: photos below.
